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Date 10/21/2011
Supervisor's Name Chrissy
Community Organization (practicum site) GaDuGi Center
Student's Name Ashley Arrenholz
We appreciate your frank and honest responses to the following student evaluation.  Your feedback assists the course instructors with the education and future placement of practicum students.  This information is also useful for the professional development of the students.

Please indicate whether you consent to our sharing of your evaluation responses with the practicum student whom you supervise.
Yes, I consent to the sharing of my responses with the student
Student's commitment to the practicum experience: Consistently Committed (5 Points)
(1) Comments:
Ashley shows good committment to the project, agency and internship.
Student's work habits to date: Excellent (5 Points)
(2) Comments:
Ashley is always on task and present during her time here.
Overall quality of student's effort (e.g., amount learned, skills learned, etc.): Satisfied (4 Points)
(3) Comments:
I am satisfied with Ashley's effort- however I feel that her experienced could be enriched by her engaging in more questions and inquiry with staff and the subject matter of the agency. I feel that she understands the basics of Sexual assault and the agency but lacks the confidence to persue a deeper enrichment around subject matter and dynamics. She doesn't allow herself to get to involved with materials and staff in a way that *I believe* could benefit her. (I hope this makes sense- it is not meant to be a criticism- more of a chance for learning)
Progress toward practicum product(s)/project from the student: Satisfied (12 Points)
(4) Comments:
Because life in the GaDuGi office is quick to change and frankly, things can get nuts, priorities sometimes have to be modified. This means that the SafeBar survey and other outcomes we hope for Ashley's internship have had to cool at times... BUT they will be great and will be completed and luckily Ashley is able to adjust with the priorities.
Student's interaction with others at the site (e.g. staff, clients): Almost Always (4 Points)
(5) Comments:
Ashley is always polite. Interactions at time though can be stiff and Ashley's personality seems stifled.
Student's relationship with others in the organization: (e.g.  effective working relationships within the organization and the community.) Satisfied (4 Points)
(6) Comments:
Ashley has shown good attempts at being effective and knowledgeable with the community, etc.
Student's overall attitude toward the activities and personnel associated with the practicum: Very Positive (5 Points)
(7) Comments:
Student's understanding of practicum objectives: Very Good (5 Points)
(8) Comments:
Ashley is very goal minded making her objectives always a priority.
Student's level of dependability to date: Consistently Dependable (4 points)
(9) Comments:
Would you be willing to host this practicum student for an additional semester? Note: This information will not be shared with the student. Yes
(10) Comments:
As compared to other interns and practicum students that you have hosted in the past (from any institution), how would you rate the professional performance of your current practicum student? 1. Among the best
(11) Comments:
This internship has been very beneficial and Ashley has been a pleasure.
Please enter any additional feedback.