​⚠​ This is an archived version​ of our Community Check Box help documentation.

Please find our most up to date documentation at Community Check Box ​​​​Help.​

​​​​​​​Using Participants Description Data​

This feature of the Community Check Box (CCB) allows you to track demographic information (at an aggregate level, not an individual level) about people being served by your program. This demographic information can be related to any accomplishment you are entering into the CCB. For example, if you are entering information about a session you held as part of a program (a Service Provided), you can use the Participants Description (PD) feature to enter information related to important demographic characteristics (e.g., age, ethnicity, place).

Participants Description data is entered when creating or editing an ​Accompl​ishment entry. You can: 

Add Participants Description (PD) data  

  1. Click on the View Data or Add Data button on the dashboard.

    1. If creating a new accomplishment, you must create the accomplishment first ​and hit Save. This will save the accomplishment and stay on the page so you can enter PD data.

    2. If adding PD data to an existing accomplishment, double-click on the existing entry to open the edit window. Or, if you are on a mobile device, click the existing accomplishment once and then click Edit from the top bar on the page.​

  2. Enter Total Number Served and Total New Participants. If there are no categories, skip to step 4.​


  3. If categories are included, enter the data for each category. Be sure that the totals from each category equal to the Total Number Served and Total New Participants. If they do not match, you will receive an error.

  4. Click Save on the PD entry.

  5. Click Save and Close on the accomplishm​ent.

View All Participants Description Data

  1. Click Participants Description section in the left navigation bar. 


  2. Select the Form Name under the Filter Participants Description heading.​
  3. Click Filter Accomplishments and select the date range and other fields that you want to filter by.

    NOTE: Filters you apply will be saved if you double-click to open an accomplishment, or go to another CCB section, and then return to the Participants Description section. To remove the filters see Clear filters and reload all Participants Description data​ below.


  4. Click Apply Filter. The Filter Accomplishments window will close, and the data that fits the filters you applied will display. The Date, Description, Total Served, and Total New columns are the default columns for this section and cannot be changed at this time.
  5. Double-click on an entry to open the Accomplishment. Or, if you are on a mobile device, click the PD entry once and then click Edit from the top bar on the page.​​You can view the Participants Description data in the upper right of the accomplishment where you initially entered it.
  6. Click Export All Fields with Current Filters if you want to export all the data you selected as a .csv file.

Clear filters and reload all Participants Description data:

  1. Click Clear Filters.
  2. Click Apply Filters. This will display all data without any filters.

  1. Follow steps 1-4 in the View All Participants Description Data section above.
  2. Click Analysis Report if you want to generate the Participants Description Analysis Report. The Analysis Report data will display in a pop-up window with its own scroll bar.
  3. Click Generate PDF if you want to download a PDF version of the report data you are viewing.


  4. Export PD Analysis Report to Excel from downloaded PDF using Acrobat DC (Acrobat Pro).
    • ​Open your downloaded PDF in Acrobat DC, and click on Export PDF in the right column toolbar:


    • Select Spreadsheet on the left side options, and leave the default to Microsoft Excel Workbrook:


    • Export your Excel file.​