In the upper right hand corner of your site (next to your user menu), you have some new options When you click on the My Newsfeed on the bar...
Newsfeed is the user's social hub where he or she can see updates from the people, documents, sites, and tags that the user is following. Newsfeed is the default page that displays when a user accesses his or her My Site. This page displays the feed of recent activities related to a user's specified colleagues and interests. Users can customize their newsfeeds by adding or removing colleagues they are interested in, specifying interests, and configuring the kind of activities they want to follow, such as when a colleague tags a shared interest. When the system generates an activity related to a user's action, such as when the user follows a site or changes a document, the activity includes the URL of the related item and an activity is created with a link to the affected content. These activities are security trimmed, which means that users can only see activities with links to which they have permission. This differs from user-generated posts with URLs to site or content, which are not security trimmed. When you click on Sites on the bar...
The Sites tab lists the sites that the user is following and suggested sites that the user might find interesting. The user can use this to easily keep track of the sites he or she is most interested in *Note: When you click on any one of these links (Newsfeed, OneDrive or Sites), these all take you to your personal My Sites site. MySitesMy Site is a personal site that gives you a central location to manage and store your documents, content, links, and contacts. My Site serves as a point of contact for other users in your organization to find information about you and your skills and interests. Your My Site provides: - A central location for you to view and manage all of your documents, tasks, links, calendar, colleagues, and other personal information.
- A way for other users to learn about you and your areas of expertise, current projects, and colleague relationships.
- A place for content providers to target information to you based on the information that you and your organization provide in your profile, such as your title, department, and interests.
- A place for administrators to present personalized Web sites.
As a dedicated personal site, your My Site provides you with a single location to manage all of the documents, content, and tasks that you have in any site in your organization. You can also present content and documents to other people, create your own workspaces, provide information about yourself to other people, and learn about the status of your colleagues. My Site presents lists of memberships, such as distribution lists, and shows you how you can share those lists with other people. My Site displays a list of your colleagues and an organization hierarchy diagram to show your position within your immediate team. When other people visit your My Site, they can quickly see what they have in common with you — colleagues whom you both know, memberships that you share, and the first manager whom you both share. Privacy groups allow you to decide who gets to view some of the information on your public page, such as the list of your colleagues, distribution list memberships, your skills and interests, and other information you may want to display only to your workgroup or your manager. | |